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Carnivale Of Poker 2013: J�� S?o Conhecidos 5 Vencedores

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carnivale of poker

H�� algumas semanas atr��s j�� t��nhamos falado sobre um evento que iria decorrer no Rio em paralelo com as World Series Of Poker e que eu na altura chamei de WSOP dos pequeninos, oCarnivale of Poker. Este festival j�� foi considerado o segundo maior festival de poker do mundo e est�� de volta com 21 eventos que ter?o lugar ��s segundas e ter?as-feiras durante as WSOP 2013.

O "carnaval" j�� decorre e j�� conhecemos os 5 primeiros vencedores, vejam quem s?o!

Evento #1: No-Limit Hold'em

Buy-inParticipantesPrize Pool
1Wesley Chong$24,282
2Joshua Atkinson$14,991
3Bernard Lee$11,010
4Delmiro Toledo$8,150
5Peter Hotaling$6,081
6Jonathan Noble$4,573
7Uldis Knox$3,466
8Thung Hyunh$2,647
9David Redlin$2,038

Evento #2: No-Limit Hold'em

Buy-inParticipantesPrize Pool
1Thomas Brabham31,617
2Joshua Vizcarra$19,535
3Iqbal Ahmed$14,586
4Linley Herdt$10,963
5Joseph Dibiasi$8,292
6Zachary Hench$6,311
7Stephen Kats$4,833
8Roland Schweda$3,725
9Thomas Larsen$2,888

Not��veis: Yury Gulyy (13o �� $1,773), DJ MacKinnon (16o �� $1,397), Blake Kelso (22o �� $1,109), Ari Engel (23o �� $1,109), Mitch Schock (26o �� $1,109)

Event #3: Pot-Limit Omaha

Buy-inParticipantesPrize Pool
1Joseph Mitchell$11,934
2Andrew Rennhack$7,369
3John Ma$5,338
4Joshua Pender$3,940
5Joseph Baumgartner$2,961
6Jack Oxler$2,264
7Adam Coats$1,760
8Alex Visbisky$1,392
9Craig Gray$1,118

Not��veis: Marsha Waggoner (11o �� $913)

Event #4: No-Limit Hold'em

Buy-inParticipantesPrize Pool
1Drew Scott$19,857
2Mark Smith$12,266
3Thibaud Guenegou$9,158
4Neil Channing$6,884
5Adam Lewandowski$5,206
6Kazuhito Oshima$3,963
7Kyle Schertz$3,035
8Pim Overbeeke$2,339
9Ross Bybee$1,813

Event #5: No-Limit Hold'em

Buy-inParticipantesPrize Pool
1Adrian Apmann$22,003
2Alexander Bos$13,592
3David Lin$9,847
4Nathanael Kogel$7,268
5Joseph Opie$5,462
6Philip Federico$4,176
7Blake Kelso$3,247
8Tim McDermott$2,568
9August Bodine$2,063

Not��veis: Travell Thomas (10o �� $1,684)

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