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The Knockout Games MYSTERY BOUNTY Edition na 888poker at�� 21 de novembro

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The Knockout Games MYSTERY BOUNTY Edition na 888poker

Os The Knockout Games est?o de volta ��s mesas da 888poker Portugal, desta vez com uma grande novidade �� a estreia dos Mystery Bounty!

Com mais de �400.000 em pr��mios garantidos no prize pool, a s��rie realiza-se entre 6 e 21 de novembro e promete muita a??o ao longo de mais de duas semanas de competi??o.

O calend��rio �� composto por um total de 96 eventos, todos Knockout e muitos deles no popular formato Mystery Bounty. Os buy-ins variam entre �5,50 e �125, enquanto os pr��mios garantidos v?o desde �1.200 GTD at�� �50.000 GTD.

Mystery Bounties

Main Event tem Mystery Bounties de at�� �5.000

A estrela dos The Knockout Games Mystery Bounty Edition �� o Main Event, torneio Mystery Bounty com buy-in de �60 e �50.000 garantidos.

Com m��ltiplos dias iniciais �� dois por dia entre 16 e 20 de novembro �� o Main Event oferece uma estrutura com 10.000 fichas iniciais e blinds de 15 minutos. Os Dias 1 terminam no final do n��vel 12 ou quando restar 14% do field.

Aqueles que carimbarem o passaporte para o Dia 2, altura em que entram em jogo os Mystery Bounties, regressar?o ��s mesas na segunda-feira, 21 de novembro, para lutar pelo t��tulo de campe?o e bounties mist��rio que v?o at�� �5.000.

Os sat��lites j�� est?o a rolar e �� poss��vel garantir um lugar no Main Event come?ando a partir de apenas �0,01. Al��m disso, a 888poker vai oferecer freerolls di��rios onde podes ganhar entradas de �60 para o Main Event de borla. Fica atento ao lobby da 888poker!

Como funcionam os torneios Mystery Bounty na 888poker?


Ao contr��rio dos torneios regulares Knockout e Progressive KO, onde sabes exatamente quanto vale a cabe?a de cada um dos teus advers��rios, nos torneios Mystery Bounty o pr��mio que recebes por cada jogador que eliminas �� aleat��rio e s�� �� revelado imediatamente ap��s a elimina??o.

Outra grande diferen?a dos torneios Mystery Bounty �� que os bounties s�� entram em jogo numa fase mais avan?ada do torneio, ao contr��rio dos torneios bounty normais, em que o prize pool dos bounties �� dividido pelas cabe?as dos jogadores logo desde o in��cio do torneio.

Isto significa que na fase inicial dos torneios Mystery Bounty n?o recebes qualquer recompensa quando eliminas um jogador.

Na fase final, quando entram em jogo os mystery bounties, todos os jogadores ainda em jogo ter?o um envelope dourado na cabe?a, que cont��m um pr��mio escondido. Quando eliminares um advers��rio, o envelope �� aberto, revelando o pr��mio que ganhaste.

Experimenta j�� os torneios Mystery Bounty da 888poker!

Calend��rio The Knockout Games Mystery Bounty Edition

DATA/HoraEventoBuy inGarantido
17:30KO Games 6.000� PKO Domingo 3333 �6,000 �
18:30KO Games 5.000� Abertura Mystery Bounty Mini16.50 �5,000 �
20:00KO Games 20.000� Abertura Mystery Bounty55 �20,000 �
21:00KO Games 6.000� El Ring PKO Domingo 109109 �6,000 �
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.500� PKO 3333 �2,500 �
19:00KO Games 3.000� PKO 6-Max Mini5.50 �3,000 �
19:30KO Games 4.000� PKO 6-Max22 �4,000 �
20:00KO Games 8.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �8,000 �
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.500� PKO 3333 �2,500 �
19:00KO Games 5.000� HighRoller PKO Mini44 �5,000 �
19:30KO Games 6.000� HighRoller PKO125 �6,000 �
20:00KO Games 8.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �8,000 �
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.500� PKO 3333 �2,500 �
19:00KO Games 3.000� 8-Max Super KO Mini5.50 �3,000 �
19:30KO Games 4.000� 8-Max Super KO22 �4,000 �
20:00KO Games 8.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �8,000 �
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.500� PKO 3333 �2,500 �
19:00KO Games 3.000� PKO 8-Max Mini5.50 �3,000 �
19:30KO Games 4.000� PKO 8-Max22 �4,000 �
20:00KO Games 8.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �8,000 �
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.000� PKO 3333 �2,000 �
19:00KO Games 2.500� 6-Max Super KO Mini5.50 �2,500 �
19:30KO Games 3.000� 6-Max Super KO22 �3,000 �
20:00KO Games 4.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �4,000 �
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.000� PKO 3333 �2,000 �
19:00KO Games 1.500� PKO Mini5.50 �1,500 �
19:30KO Games 2.500� PKO22 �2,500 �
20:00KO Games 4.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �4,000 �
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
17:30KO Games 6.000� PKO Domingo 3333 �6,000 �
18:30KO Games 5.000� Domingo Mystery Bounty Mini16.50 �5,000 �
20:00KO Games 30.000� Domingo Mystery Bounty55 �30,000 �
21:00KO Games 6.000� El Ring PKO Domingo 109109 �6,000 �
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.500� PKO 3333 �2,500 �
19:00KO Games 3.000� PLO 6-MAX PKO Mini5.50 �3,000 �
19:30KO Games 4.000� PLO 6-MAX PKO22 �4,000 �
20:00KO Games 8.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �8,000 �
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.500� PKO 3333 �2,500 �
19:00KO Games 5.000� HighRoller PKO Mini44 �5,000 �
19:30KO Games 6.000� HighRoller PKO125 �6,000 �
20:00KO Games 8.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �8,000 �
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.500� PKO 3333 �2,500 �
19:00KO Games 3.000� KO 8-Max Mini5.50 �3,000 �
19:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 160 �-
19:30KO Games 4.000� KO 8-Max22 �4,000 �
20:00KO Games 8.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �8,000 �
21:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 160 �-
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.500� PKO 3333 �2,500 �
19:00KO Games 3.000� KO 6-Max Mini5.50 �3,000 �
19:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 160 �-
19:30KO Games 4.000� KO 6-Max22 �4,000 �
20:00KO Games 8.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �8,000 �
21:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 160 �-
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.000� PKO 3333 �2,000 �
19:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 160 �-
19:30KO Games 4.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �4,000 �
20:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 160 �-
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
18:30KO Games 2.000� PKO 3333 �2,000 �
19:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 160 �-
19:30KO Games 4.000� Mystery Bounty 5555 �4,000 �
20:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 160 �-
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
17:30KO Games 6.000� PKO Domingo 3333 �6,000 �
18:30KO Games 5.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty Mini16.50 �5,000 �
19:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 160 �-
20:00KO Games 20.000� Semanal Mystery Bounty55 �20,000 �
21:00KO Games 6.000� El Ring PKO Domingo 109109 �6,000 �
21:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 160 �-
21:00KO Games 2.000� Mystery Bounty 1111 �2,000 �
00:00KO Games 1.200� PKO 2222 �1,200 �
20:00KO Games 50.000� Evento Principal Mystery Bounty DIA 260 �50,000 �

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