18+ jogue de forma respons��vel. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

Adri��n Mateos CRUSHING the end of 2019!

Adri��n Mateos has won three titles this year and they have all come towards the end of the year. One of which was here at EPT Prague in a �10,000 side event for �177,500 and the other two were in the Bahamas at the Carribean Poker Party including the Main Event where he bested a field of almost 1,000 players.

In this interview we find out how his year has been a bit of a roller coaster, what he changed in order to improve his results & what his plans are for next years grind.

Calling the clock, LAPT, NAPT, Latest Videos, EPT, WSOP 2008, NEW 20 Most Recent, WPT, Sin City Series, The Sunday Grind, Travel, WSOP 2011, PokerNews Weekly, The WAG Diaries, Seat Open with...